Information on how to apply to perform lower down - or Click Here
If you want to see the concerts we organise click here

2025 Artist Gallery
Click on a photo to read more about the artist

Music Booking Policy

Fire in the Mountain explores and promotes The Folk Music of the World. We define Folk Music as the heritage music of any given culture - a music that is ancient, timeless, and which has been passed down through generations, thus being part of the oral tradition and benefitting from the folk process. Our mantra is New Folk, Old Folk and No Folk - we seek to represent music from the older generations, newer and younger musicians rooted in the tradition, and bands and artists influenced by the tradition taking it in new directions. We aim for gender parity across our programme, as well as representation from musicians of the LGBTQI+ community in the folk scene . Music is Life, Music is Expression, Music is Culture, and our ears are open to all voices.

Core Music: The core of our music programming will always be the music born in the Appalachian Region of America in song, on fiddle and banjo - we unapologetically love a fast fiddle tune!

Music from Wales Our festival takes place in Wales, and we're committed to presenting the music of our fabulous country, at a local and national level. The Main Stage on The Friday of the festival is dedicated to showcasing bands and the music of Wales.

Applying to perform at Fire in the Mountain Festival

The Line Up for our festival this year in 2025 in complete - there are no more slots available, and all budget and tickets have been allocated.

We now get SO many applications to perform it’s become a massive job. We’re having to set a full rules and timescales to help us. We get just under 1000 applications for 40 slots at the festival. It’s insane, thanks everyone.

Application for our 2026 event will open on 1st October 2025.
Applications will close on 30th November. We will spend October, November and December listening to lots of music and choosing our bands.
Confirmations will be sent out during December.
The Line Up will be announced early January.

A few rules to help us.
We are a TRADITIONAL MUSIC Festival. Please only apply if you play the traditional music of your country or heritage!
For paid and booked slots on our stages, we will only accept applications artists who have recorded and released an album or EP of material. This needs to up on Bandcamp, Sportify or another streaming platform. Sorry, but with so much to listen to, we just can’t do soundcloud demos.

Personal Note on the Festival
We are a festival put on by musicians for musicians and music lovers. We’ve been doing it a while… It’s flattering so many people apply to play now. We must encourage everyone to keep at it, organise shows, promote other bands, set up folk clubs, trying running a small festival. Book the upstairs room of a local pub or village hall.. make it happen. We did it. And lastly, if you don’t get a slot, please consider coming and supporting the festival in the most important way - buying a ticket! It’s tough to make all the ends meet and we really do need the money to keep it going. We have jam sessions, busking stages, workshops, session tents and loads of opportunities to play with other musicians.

Much Love
Fire in the Mountain Music Team.

Line Up 2023


Foghorn Stringband, The Horsenecks, Rachel Baiman Trio, Sam Lee, Vera Van Heeringen, Interstate Expres, Drych y Baledwr, Julu and Heg, Talisk, ĺmar, Aaron Jonah Lewis, Brighde Chaimbeul, Martin CarthyTwisty Turns, Stomping Stompers, Cut A Shine, Ali Anwar and Dave Owen, Young Waters, Mama's Broke, Toby Hay and Jim Ghedi, King Driscolls, Lady Maisery, Zong Zing All Stars, The Destroyers, Tankus the Henge, Xylaroo, CornMaiz (USA), Blick Bassy, Erynn Marshall and Carl Jones, The Gentle Good, Martha Tilston, Tantz, Twelth Day, Davey and Dyer, Wanton String Band, Sheelanagig, Theo Bard, Stick in the Wheel, Me and My Friends, Bruce Molsky's Mountain Drifters , Chance McCoy of Old Crow Medicine Show! (USA), Ye Vagabonds (Ireland), The Po' Boys Cajun Band, Côr Meibion Machynlleth, Fishclaw, Whiskey Moonface, Ichi (Japan), Rachael Dadd, Mik Artistik's Ego Trip, by popular demand!, The True Strays, Truckstop Honeymoon, Diddly Squat, Cynefin, Interstate Express Band, The Firecrackers, Nick Hart, Quinie, The Odd Folk, Cable Street Rag, The Gin Bowlers, Carreg Bica, Cut A Shine Barn Dance Band, Luke and Lisa from Tennessee! (USA), Remix Reeling, Solana, James Patrick Gavin, Hardwicke Circus (Carlisle), The Yellow Belly Stragglers, The Old Time Wasters, The Drystones, Johnnie Glaz String Band (Brittany), Tree and Wood - the music, Big Chimney Barn Dance from Alaska! , Alabaster dePlume, Noemie Ducimetiere, Junior Bill, The Hicksters, Joe and Jolene, Juju and Heg, Boogaloo String Band, The Mermerings, A Fistful of Spookies , Flatville Aces, Me and My Friends, Eli West (USA), Evie Ladin and Keith Terry (USA), Climbing Trees, Dila V and The Oddbeats, Ewan McLennan, Brighde Chaimbeul, The Nightjar, Teyr, Tantz, Holy Moly and the Crackers, The Gentle Good, Forest of Fools, Kabantu!, The Horsenecks, Abdoulaye Samb, Mamadou, Rheged – Twmpath, Mobius Loop, Fran and Flora, Cynefin, Bare Hunter, The Wanton String Band, The Vanguards, Indian Man, Hot Rock Pilgrims, Faith I Branko, Emma and Martin Reid, Double Bass Dan and Friends, Don Kipper, Joe Strouzer, Cut A Shine, Apple of my Eye, Andy Twyman, Ali Anwar and Dave Owen, The Ragged Out Stringband, Mouton, Ben McManus and Clara Delfina (Wales & USA, Tom Blackwell, Toby Hay, Three Legg'd Mare, Nine Blind Ravens, Hedge Gods, Dylan Owen, Bonnie Pilgrim, Ember, The Old Time Wasters, The Odd Folk, The Carry Nations, Rye 'n Clover, Ruth Gordon, Rosie Sleightholme, Pandoras diary, Nine Tree Stumblers, Leon Gormley, Jo Carly and the Old Dry Skulls, Fierce Flowers, Bourgeois Robbery, The Night Caps, Riverboat Ramblers, Mikey Kenny and Charlie McKeown, Jez Wing, Foghorn Stringband (USA), Cajun Country Revival (Louisiana, USA), Corn Potato String Band (USA), The Turbans (Everywhere), Mik Artistik's Ego Trip (The North), The Gentle Good (Wales), Ewan McLennan (Scotland), Martha Tilston (England) , Murder Murder (Canada), Elephant Sessions (Scotland), Alaw (Wales), Horseman and the Upper Cut Band (Jamaica), Screamin' Miss Jackson and the Slap ya Mama Big Band, Stompin Dave and his Bluegrass Ban (The Deep South, Dorset) , Darren Eedens (Wales), Heal The Last Stand (Wales), Francesca Ter-Berg & Flora Curzon, The King Driscolls, The Dylan Thomas Sound Project (Wales), Deborah Rose & Mari Randle, Hedge Gods (Wales), Lord Strange, Bog Standard Stringband (Ireland), Valerie Vale and her Aylesbury Aylevators, Jock and Vera , Root and Branch, Mat Skinner, Bare Hunter, Prinny Ave. Jazz Band (Liverpool), Alex Gavaghan and the Boss Jockeys, Ruth Theodore, Bouche, Buffalo Skinners, Dila v and the Odd Beats, Theo Bard, Stompin' Dave and His Bluegrass Band, Hot feet, CC Smugglers, The Imperial Works Screamin' Miss Jackson, Pete Bentham and the Dinner Ladies, Ross Ainslee and Jarlath Henderson, The Stags, Bog Standad String Band, SINK, The Most Ugly Child, Dalahan, Cut A Shine, Bruce Molsky, The Nightcaps, Cocos Lovers, Rob Heron and the Teapad Orchestra, Dog Show, The Valleyers, DR Bluegrass!, Little Arrow, Gadarene, Mik Artistik, The John Langan Band, Dila V and the Odd Beats, Concrete Mountain, Diddly Squat, Jim Evans, Life in Cold Climates/Eve Goodman, Mikey Kenny and Damian Kilcawldey, Dana Immanuel and The Stolen Band, Jock Tyldesley & Jimmy Cole, Nuala Honan, Mat Skinner, Three Acres and a Cow, Jeremy Mage, Jimmy Aldridge and Sam Goldsmith, Buffalo Skinners, Slap ya mama Big Band, The Little Unsaid, The Rheingans Sisters, The Yellow Belly Stragglers, Lloyd Williams, The Astral Twins, Delyth McLean, Guto Dafis, Aled Rheon, The Nudie Suits, Theo Bard, Peter Stevenson and Deuair, Max Baillie and Suro Suko, Jo Carley and The Old Dry Skulls, The Klezmonauts, Three Legg'd Mare, Nine Tree Stumblers, Shama Rahman, Fitty Gomash